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Thomas: Let’s respect our sign rules this election season


Unfortunately, the ugly season — when PACs and candidates for office start littering our town with their campaign signs – is nearly upon us.

In the last council election, candidates publicly proclaimed how beautiful our town was and how they loved Fountain Hills. I expect candidates in the current election will do likewise. Yet, in the last council election, campaign signs for some of the candidates who won violated the town’s sign rules (the sign ordinance and sign-free zones). So, despite their proclaimed love of our town, the candidates (and a local PAC) did not even respect the residents enough to take the time to read and understand the sign rules and follow them.

Whether they liked the rules or not or agreed with them or not, they were the town’s rules. Following those rules should have been of particular importance to those candidates who won, all of them Republicans, the party who claims to be one of law and order. But clearly some candidates did not follow the sign rules. Talk the talk but don’t walk the walk? Rules for thee but not for me? Rules matter — for everyone, not just some people.

It remains to be seen which candidates in this election will respect the residents and follow the sign rules. If a candidate can’t follow sign rules, should they be mayor or a council member?

And no, John Kavanaugh, campaign signs are not the sight of freedom. In the U.S., the signs of freedom are free elections, not campaign signs. Voters who educate themselves about candidates don’t need campaign signs.

I have more respect for my cherished right to vote than to let it be swayed even one iota by the quantity or size of campaign signs, or the degree of vitriol or misinformation on them.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.