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Higgins: Civility, competency and accountability


Fountain Hills needs a mayoral candidate with a broad background in governmental management, established relationships with neighboring communities and a deep understanding of the local issues affecting our town.

Ginny Dickey’s experience and capabilities translate to true grassroots leadership. Candidates Arpaio and Friedel do not demonstrate these important skills.

Former Sheriff Arpaio has cost Maricopa County taxpayers over $200 million in legal fees and settlements based on his flagrant disregard of federal, state and local laws. The Town of Fountain Hills can ill afford the cost if Arpaio’s past behavior continues as our mayor.

Councilmember Friedel does not display a grounded knowledge of our town’s budget or our road and school issues. Although he has served on the Town Council for several years, Friedel has not integrated some very basic facts that are crucial to our town’s future health and success.

We have owned homes in Fountain Hills for over 30 years, and we love the beauty and volunteer spirit this town represents. Ginny Dickey has earned our admiration for her thoughtful review of issues, her careful integration of Town Master Plans and surveys, and her collaborative respect and support for town staff. She is honest, professional and does her homework. 

Elect Mayor Ginny Dickey!

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

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