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Scott: Skillicorn not vested in improving our town


Councilman Skillicorn was too busy to make the regularly scheduled Town Council meeting on Nov. 19.  But thankfully, he called in.

I might have lost track, but Mayor Dickey was kind enough to always include him in any opportunity to discuss any issue on the agenda. He had little to nothing to say. But he did vote … on every issue. For instance, he voted “no” on the option to allow residential use of a building on Avenue of the Fountains. But it passed anyway. That’s not unusual. He’s the dissenting vote more often than not.

And he voted on every other issue, usually with one word: “Yep.” If that flippant reply is the best decorum Skillicorn can offer as an elected person, then he is clearly not vested in anything that will improve our town. Him not showing up to the meeting, but able to listen in on the phone, makes me wonder – what’s his motive? What else is he doing that's more important?

It's my opinion that Skillicorn is probably the worst example of a town-elected official since 1989. BTW, that's the rest of them combined, in comparison.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.