I am a 25-plus year town resident who is outraged by your behavior. I demand that you stop refusing grants (examples: $240K/Safe Streets and Roads study, $100K/electric vehicle charging stations) because you apparently believe that by doing so you are nobly defending the anti-DEI position.
Your ideological confusion is costing the Town of Fountain Hills valuable financial assistance. This is not the will of the people to whom you are hypothetically supposed to listen, nor is it financially justifiable. Cease and desist from further damage to our ability to function using only the limited funds available. When such monies are available, seize the opportunity instead of riding away from it on your high horse.
Do not continue to flaunt superseding federal law by opposing harmless 5G telecom improvements. This is the 21st Century and ubiquitous 5G deployment elsewhere has demonstrated its safety while improving the connectivity of countless citizens.
Dismiss Mr. Skillicorn's ridiculous attempt to repeal the food tax. Perhaps he would like to front the $2M in lost revenue that would result from such lack of foresight as to the consequences?
Direct the mayor to cease and desist from fabricating public awards presented to undeserving officials of his political party and ROT campaign contributors. Awards from the dais used to mean something. The same goes for appointing town commission members like Matthew Corrigan on a seemingly purely political basis, and over the recommendations of the candidate evaluation committee. Mr. Friedel, you are not the king of Fountain Hills.
Please send your comments to AzOpinions@iniusa.org. We are committed to publishing a wide variety of reader opinions, as long as they meet our Civility Guidelines.
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