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So blessed


There have been so many Fountain Hills places and individuals that have been so generous in volunteering hours, goods and funds.

Most recently, the Fountain Hills Community Foundation gave out their annual grants. Foster Your Future was included and received $750 of precious dollars to be used with our young adults. We are so grateful for all the giving and were impressed with how many 501(c)3 organizations there are locally, in our wonderful neighborhood.

Another group of hard-working realtors from AZ Sun Properties, LLC also gave us $1,000. We would like to give great thanks for their generosity, as well as their group giving beautiful goods from the many homes that they sell and offer to our young adults. This includes bedroom sets, full kitchen supplies and, at times, entire households.

I am so blessed and happy to be living in such a warm, welcoming and thoughtful community. Sometimes I just feel like I am in Mayberry!