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Since this crisis hit our country, I’ve been seeing a lot more of our national and state political leaders in the news, and I’ve also been able to follow more of what is happening in our state’s politics.

I’ve occasionally noticed people collecting signatures for petitions before, when I would run errands, and sometimes I would sign one or two. But I didn’t know they couldn’t collect signatures online. That just seems like a no-brainer to me, especially since we’re in the middle of a public health crisis and there is already a system with the state to collect online signatures.

There is a group of organizations who have sued the state to be able to use the existing online system to ensure public safety. These are community groups like Save Our Schools Arizona, the moms who are fighting to stop abuse in the school voucher program.

The state needs to step up here and do the right thing and allow us all to sign online if we choose.