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In the June 30 Times, more than 10 letters complimented Councilmember Gerry Friedel for his previous op-ed and for his diligent efforts to seek the input of business owners in reference to the A-frame sign ordinance. A more muted rebuttal was evidenced by three letters in last week’s edition.

The basic premise of those most recent letters appears to be a combination of, “How can Friedel dare to give his opinion?” “How can he dare to disagree with other councilmembers?” “How can Linda Kavanagh dare to share her opinion on Facebook?” and “How can others dare to write their own letters to the editor in support of Councilmember Friedel?”

In response to those questions, I propose the following: How about freedom of expression and the ability to share one’s opinion? Exactly what’s wrong with an elected councilmember taking the job seriously and seeking the input of business owners and residents of Fountain Hills? Exactly what’s wrong with Councilmember Friedel doing the research and honoring his commitment to doing what he believes is in the best interest of the town and its citizens, even if it may rankle some feathers?

If the sign ordinance is so good, why is it likely that amendments to that ordinance will be considered? Since thriving businesses in town generate sales tax revenue which provides income for the town, shouldn’t we consider how best to support the success of those businesses? Think about the answers.