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We have been Fountain Hills residents for 27 years but only in recent weeks have we become regular letter writers. At this most important time, we believe it is necessary for people to speak up and be heard. It is time to share our deeply held convictions. Civil discourse should be our aim. We should not be bullied into silence.

Most news outlets have an agenda, so we look at multiple sources. Do your due diligence to form your own opinion. We should counter misinformation with the truth. When something isn’t right, say something; do something. Get in trouble! Good trouble!

Jamie Hansen wrote a compassionate letter regarding people who cannot wear masks due to an actual medical or psychological condition, followed by a writer angrily denouncing masks as a means to protect each other. He cited the fact that early on, we were asked not to buy masks by medical experts. As most know, this was to save the masks for front line medical personnel because our government had failed to act quickly to obtain sufficient PPE’s for these essential workers. His crux seemed to be that everybody should fend for themselves, expressing utter disregard for the most vulnerable. I choose to believe that most of us were cringing. See the Arizona Revised Statutes for the state’s authority to mandate protective measures.

As for the Schweikert defender, the misconduct went on from 2010 to 2018. The House Ethics Committee findings published on July 30, 2020, state, “Representative Schweikert knew or should have known”…“the falsely reported loan was subsequently included in Schweikert’s overall assets listed in personal financial statements” and “Schweikert undertook to delay and impede the ISC investigation.” The full details are damning. Google the report for the unbiased truth.

Please get involved!