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I’m writing this letter to offer my complete endorsement to Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his bid to be the next Mayor of Fountain Hills.

Crime is on the rise and lawlessness is ascending in on our country. Who would be better to serve in these troubled times than Sheriff Joe Arpaio? Former U.S. Army, former special agent for the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, former DEA agent and long-serving Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arpaio would ensure our neighborhoods are safe and the people feel secure in their homes.

Another group that would benefit from electing him mayor are our beloved pets. His love of animals saved our four-legged friends from abuse and neglect. His jail was a no-kill facility that housed victimized animals. Female inmates were given an opportunity to care for them in jail, which helped in their rehabilitation and road to a productive life.

Was Sheriff Joe sued by the government? Yes, he was. He was sticking up for you and me! The liberals and political hacks in the Department of Justice disliked his law-and-order approach and stance on illegal immigration that is currently tearing our country apart today. He has been a watchman on the wall. It has been said that if your taking flack, you’re over the target. Sheriff Joe has been fighting our fight for many years and has the scars to prove it.

Fountain Hills is at a tipping point. Do we follow the current path of tolerating crime, the proliferation of sober living homes, wasteful spending and an inefficient and opaque government or trust someone that is a proven man of the people?

On Aug. 2, make your voice heard loud and clear; we have had enough! It’s time for a new direction. Vote TASK: Toth, Arpaio, Skillicorn and Kalivianakis.