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To those who have not yet voted for mayor, don’t get early ballots, are undecided or are the type that, like me, likes the democratic ritual of physically going to the polls, this letter is for you.

Let’s consider the word “civil.” It is the root word in civilization, and for good reason. One candidate’s campaign is filled with positive messaging, has fought to keep it non-partisan (as it should be), emphasizes a long resume of qualifications in public service, education and tenure here in town for 34-plus years, with an emphasis on serving the community as a whole. The other candidate’s campaign and directly supportive PAC ads have injected bitter partisan divide into it; the crude ads shouting with large type, hurling absurd, inaccurate and hurtful allegations at the opponent.

So I ask you, trusting you to use good reason and putting partisanship aside for a moment, which campaign has been more civil and is best fit to run our town in a continuing civil and inclusive manner? One side really does not care about party affiliation in this town and just wants to serve everyone. The other side clearly does care and wants to alienate, if not demonize, everyone else when they are, in fact, not a majority in Fountain Hills. If that candidate gets elected, we will be a bitterly divided town for the next two years.

So please, consider whether you want a “civil” servant, moving our town in the positive manner of civilization that one candidate has demonstrated, or a Stone Age mentality of one tribe trying to scare everyone else with ugly masks and throwing spears at their opponents.

Civilization depends on its citizens to attempt to use good reason and to work together as a whole.

Please vote for Ginny Dickey. Thank you!