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Attack ads


The attack ads in last week’s paper, paid for by the Good Government Committee, a.k.a. the Kavanagh PAC, were shocking and disgusting. What ugly politics to come from such a beautiful little town!

These ads used the very predictable but false anti-liberal dog whistles that so incite their base – fear of higher taxes and weak law enforcement – to assassinate the character of a good woman. For the PAC to accuse Ginny of endangering children and the community is deplorable. They know better!

And, as they attack Ginny for supposedly wanting to raise taxes, they know full well that both Cecil and Mayor Kavanagh (and prior mayors and councilpersons) also supported the recent property tax because, under the current mayor and council, our town has been thrown into a fiscal nightmare. There’s nothing more that can be cut. We no longer can even license our dogs locally.

Please note that all the unwise and expensive decisions (the lagoon, Park Place, firing the town attorney, etc.) were made by three members of the council (included Cecil) with the mayor as a tie-breaker. Ginny had nothing to do with any of these decisions and Alan Magazine voted against them.

This supposedly non-partisan town election saw Mayor Kavanagh promote her own Republican successor, who then stayed on until it was too late to have a special election, throwing the decision to the council and denying the people a voice. Then John Kavanagh decided to spread this anti-Democrat trash attacking Ginny’s character with oft-used clichés.

Let’s try something new. Let’s work together to maintain and improve our town. We already have the Vision Fountain Hills’ blueprint for what our residents want. Vote for people who will get it done with creativity, honesty, openness and no conflicts of interest: Ginny Dickey, Sharron Grzybowski and Alan Magazine.