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Ward: Corey and Watts prove both sides can work together


As a patient who values the pain relief that medicinal cannabis offers my sciatica, I’d like to violate partisan social norms and endorse both Clayton Corey and Rick Watts for Town Council. To our local cannabis community, they’re essentially a bipartisan, pro-small-business unity ticket.

I encourage voters to go back and watch agenda item #5 from the Jan. 8, 2024 P&Z meeting. It begins at 12:42. (youtu.be/watch?v=EXaJ3DSKxrE&t=762s)

What you’ll see is two council candidates working together – despite their ideological differences – to advocate for this local business and their patrons. They both did their homework, visited the dispensary and learned up-to-date information about this brave new world. They’re well-informed advocates who don't look down on their pot-smoking constituents. 

It’s good to have advocates on both sides who can counter prohibitionist propaganda with up-to-date facts. You don’t need to be a Democrat to see that Corey’s good at his job, and you don’t need to be a Republican to see that Watts is good at his job.

Thank you, Commissioners Corey and Watts, for showing that both sides can work together to avoid politicization and keep cannabis a post-partisan matter.
Additional thanks to Mayor Dickey and the five councilmembers who supported this rezoning request. It's wise to not vilify your constituents as lawless, blight-inducing junkies who turn playgrounds into drug dens. 

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.