The subject matter in the cartoon published Sept. 3 in the Daily Independent is beyond reprehensible. It is pure ignorant, blasphemous and totally disrespectful of the lives honored at any cemetery.
Your insinuation that Mr. Trump had any thought to disrespect those buried by playing golf is disgusting. Your disclaimer is that you do not take political positions and you publish political cartoons because the readers enjoy them.
Watch my words. We do not enjoy desecrating the burial grounds of our fallen soldiers. Period. The incident this “cartoon” pertains to was a solemn remembrance requested by the families of those honored.
You cannot retract this incident without severely reprimanding the cartoonist, Stahler, and the editor who allowed it to be printed.
Editor’s note: The Independent provides editorial cartoons from various artists across the political spectrum, just as we publish viewpoints from all sides. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at