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The faux outrage over the Trump mask is ridiculous


I've had enough of the faux outrage over the mask that was added to the Fountain Hills Democratic Club's wreath out of frustration over the Republican Club adding a political tree to the town's holiday display. This, despite the Community Center policy against displaying any political signs in the lobby or hallways. After learning that anyone is allowed to use their holiday display to say anything, we wondered if that would apply to us.

Using a Trump mask to “unmask” his shortcomings may have been in poor taste in this holiday season, but it’s just a mask. Members of the Republican Club proudly wear Trump masks at many events, including the Thanksgiving Day parade and local fairs.

What about that “doormat” the Republicans had at a recent fair, where Councilman Skillicorn encouraged people to wipe their feet on a doormat with pictures of Biden, Harris and Pelosi? I didn’t hear anyone crying about that.

Did any Republican Club members try to stop the blue pickup truck from driving around town with “*expletive* Biden” flags? How embarrassing were those ugly signs by ROT accusing the mayor of all kinds of things even after the Arizona Republic deemed 2022 the "nastiest election Fountain Hills has ever seen?”

What's really ironic is that the same Republicans have claimed to be embarrassed and concerned about the national media attention that our town has received. Skillicorn sent the press release and other Republicans posted the story to every news source they could find. Kavanagh even issued a video to spread the news, and then he and Earle gave radio interviews to fan the flames even further. I tried to count the number of times they posted multiple articles on the story that was so embarrassing to the town. I gave up counting. 

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

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