Mayor Dickey’s support is united because of her integrity, accomplishments and a shared vision. Not so for the competition.
Incredibly, I received a mailer from Arpaio claiming Dickey and Friedel are “Two peas in a pod.” Clearly, they are starting to eat their own. Mayor Dickey and Councilman Friedel differ on so many issues. But the mailer is disturbingly clumsy and disingenuous and desperate.
Since Arpaio paid good money for the mailer, he did not get his money’s worth. Here are a few “corrections” to the mailer.
It says staff doubled in the last four years. The truth is staff (excluding bringing in-house firefighters), increased from 62 to 70, which is not even close to doubling. The mailer said Dickey and Friedel failed to fund roads and squandered COVID funds. The truth is that $10 million COVID dollars went to fund roads maintenance! Let me repeat that, $10 million COVID dollars were added to roads funding. And the four years prior to the Dickey administration averaged $3.1 million on roads, while the Dickey years as mayor, the town spent an average of $5.2 million on roads.
Finally, the budgets typically are approved unanimously, minus Skillicorn.
By the way, as for “two peas in a pod,” it is more appropriate for Arpaio and his supporter, Skillicorn. They both spend their time outside of the community promoting themselves. Just take the time to check out Arpaio on Facebook or Skillicorn on “X.” They speak not of the community, but instead about their next gig or the books, underwear or pictures they hawk.
Trust Mayor Dickey. Her record is clear. Vote Dickey.
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