I'll keep this short and sweet. During the past few years, I've learned a lot about local politics. Most importantly, I've learned that the people of ROT (Reclaim Our Town) are adept at saying no, but have shown no ability or interest in saying yes.
Ask yourself: Have you seen a ROT platform that details plans for moving our town forward? No. Nyet. Nein. Their goal seems to be to obstruct at every turn.
ROT has needlessly ushered partisanship into our non-partisan elections. This partisanship has resulted in anger, division, the departure of valued town employees and, most recently, even violence.
Me? I'll take a town where we maintain and improve the town’s infrastructure; live in harmony with the natural desert; support and elevate our schools; create opportunities for new and existing businesses; and promote a culture of acceptance and kindness where all are made to feel welcome, safe and appreciated.
In other words, a place that "flourishes." (Learn more at flourishfh.com)
If you share these beliefs, vote for Ginny Dickey for mayor and Peggy McMahon and Clayton Corey for Town Council. If we invite one more hyper-partisan person onto our council, it will be a very rocky few years ahead for Fountain Hills. Every vote is important!
Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.