It is a crime, punishable with jail time and steep fines, to steal, remove, take down or deface political signs.
Yet as regular as the sun comes up, I’m seeing one side’s signs are stolen and the others are not. I'm speaking about Reclaim Our Town, a registered political committee that has over $1,700 worth of signs taken since 2022, never to be seen again. This is not some little prank. Stealing signs is a way of shutting down political expression one does not like.
The cost of those stolen signs crosses a threshold; now it is not a simple misdemeanor, it is a felony and is a serious offense. A few days before last week's primary, Reclaim Our Town’s signs – five of them – went missing. Police reports have been filed. If anyone can provide information about who is behind these thefts, please let the sheriff's office know.
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