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James: Additional thoughts on council vacancy appointment

Boe James | Fountain Hills


Ms. Duckro criticizes my prior letter. She mentions that in 2006 when Ms. Dickey was appointed to Town Council, the election was in March/May. That is irrelevant to the current discussion about appointing Ms. Earle to council. A vacancy exists and there is a clear winner from the council election ready to be seated on council.

In 2006, that person was Ms. Dickey who got the most votes in the council election. This year it is Ms. Earle who was the only clear winner in the council election. Ms. Duckro mentions that in 2006 all three council members were elected without a runoff, this year, Ms. Earle was the only clear winner and not just the most vote getter as was Ms. Dickey in 2006. All the more reason to appoint Ms. Earle to council, she was clearly the voters’ choice.

Ms. Duckro argues that Ms. Dickey was not a “well-known” Democrat. Ms. Dickey had been a delegate to the Democrat National Convention in 2000, had served as a staffer for a Democrat State Senator and was a political appointee by a Democrat Governor to a position with ADEQ.  In my mind, that made her a “well-known” Democrat.

 The mayor can put the appointment of a council member to fill the vacancy on the agenda for the next meeting. She can do that without consulting with or agreement of any council member.  It should be done. Failure to fill the vacant seat will result in little progress on a number of issues when council votes 3-3 and motions fail.

Ms. Earle will be on the council soon, why wait?  She was the clear choice of the electorate.  In November we will find out who the electorate wants to join her on Council.  Put Ms. Earle on council now.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.