I write this in horrific disbelief that our country’s voters actually approved of Trump, who is bent on violent revenge. He was able, with the aid of Putin and morbidly rich oligarchs, to buy an election, reinstalling himself as president in spite of 34 felonies, being an adjudicated sex offender and saying exactly what he intended to do.
There’s no longer any pretense of equal treatment under the law. If you commit a crime in Trump’s name and at his invitation, you’re pardoned and called a patriot. But, if you’ve had the character and courage to oppose Trump, with his many felonious convictions and predatory actions, defending our Constitution and rule of law, you’re considered “the enemy within.” You deserve no protections against death threats, but rather are targets for government prosecution and incarceration.
Up is now down, good is now evil, justice no longer exists! Trump is all powerful and violence, intimidation, cruelty and lies are the new law of the land.
What can be done to stop this? Republicans (especially those who formerly condemned Trump’s actions, calling him a danger to our country) must courageously come together with others to vote against the confirmation of the totally unqualified and dangerous appointees to extremely important positions in his cabinet and speak out strongly against the worst of his destructive and ridiculous executive orders.
Trump has shamefully threatened legislators, and their families, who vote against his will. I understand their fear but they’re the only ones standing between Trump and his destruction of our country, individual freedoms, rights and possibly even our planet. Organizing with other legislators, groups such as Vote Vets, Lincoln Project and other disillusioned Republicans, should give you strength and power.
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