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Gohl: Why I’m not voting for Friedel


For a person who claims he is pro-business and has financial acumen, Gerry Friedel certainly acts and votes differently.  

The Chamber of Commerce endorsed the Target revitalization project. So did our realtor community. Mr. Friedel said no, twice. He voted against approving the development and then supported a lawsuit brought by a political action committee by voting that the town abstain from defending itself and its staff against that lawsuit. All the while, businesses in this town, sometimes desperate for customers – especially in summer – could be the big losers, because those 300-plus new residential units will bring as many as 600 new consumers to town. So, which is it? Business friendly or not, Mr. Friedel?

As for financial acumen, the Town stands to earn sales tax on the approximately $60 million investment in the redevelopment of currently vacant retail buildings as well as on the money the new residents will spend at the currently underperforming Target center and elsewhere in town. The project may save the rest of the Target center in the process. Without some revitalization, Target may close and leave town, too. Target is a major employer and a major source of the town’s sales tax revenue. I guess he thinks that a failing, possibly empty Target center, is a better solution?

Mr. Friedel also demonstrated that he either didn’t understand the financial aspects of recent town council work sessions on the exhaustive Streets Commission report and annual town budget or he didn’t do his homework so that he was prepared for those meetings. Either way, Gerry Friedel is ill-prepared and the wrong choice for mayor of Fountain Hills.

Ginny Dickey is pro-business, supports responsible development, always does her homework and has consistently demonstrated sound, conservative fiscal responsibility with our town finances. 

Vote Ginny Dickey for Mayor.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.