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Dime: On the topic of men without chest


“We make men without chest and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” A quote from a C.S. Lewis’s essay.

“Men without chest” is a metaphor about men nonchalantly relinquishing their courage and bravado. First Biden/Harris and now Harris/Walz have normalized men without testosterone.

The progressive gender ideology of Harris/Walz attempts to muddle the fact that there are only two biological sexes. Males and females copulating to reproduce either a male or female offspring is undeniable science. Bi-racial children are born everyday, but creating a third sex has never happened. Sexual preferences and interplay with trendy names have various combinations, but biologically creating a third sex is impossible.

Some adult men and women may decide to physically alter their bodies for transgender identity reasons. Harris/Walz policies support what I consider stealing a sexually confused and immature child’s reproductive rights by allowing them to be chemically and/or surgically neutered. It’s an unhealthy medical experiment that should be unlawful.

Men’s bodies have a greater capacity for strength and endurance than women’s bodies and yet biological men are being allowed to compete in women’s sports. Why does Harris/Walz policy dogma insist on blurring the natural and essential qualities between men and women? 

Harris/Walz policies cheer on men without chests who make the unpopular choice to compete in women’s sports. Woman have little chance to physically dominate a male full of testosterone that identifies himself a woman.

Most males continue to desire the sensual nature of a female; most females enjoy a reciprocal penchant for men with bravado and courage. That relationship has been proven healthy and productive.

Remember the unpopular sexualized woke values of Harris/Walz when you vote.

Vote Republican.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.