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Davis: Fountain Hills deserves an apology for misinformation


In late September State Representatives Kolodin and Chaplik decided to meddle in the affairs of Fountain Hills. The reason for this is unclear, as neither representative lives here. In other words, neither has a horse in this race.

Their concern appears to be the fact that the Town Council was deadlocked 3-3 about filling the seat vacated when Councilperson Grzbowski resigned. Since Mayor Dickey chose not to agendize the matter, Chaplik and Kolodin contacted the Attorney General's office and requested an investigation into possible misconduct on the part of the mayor. 

On Oct. 2, before the AG's office had acknowledged or responded to the request, Councilperson and mayoral candidate Friedel issued the following press release: "The AG will investigate Mayor Dickey’s unwillingness to agendize filling the vacancy while the State Treasurer will be required to hold back the shared state funds for the town, effectively bankrupting Fountain Hills until the complaint is resolved.”

There are several problems with the statement. First, it is premature and disturbing. Second, it is untrue. The allegation that the State Treasurer will be required to withhold funds is false. The Treasurer is not allowed to withhold funds during an investigation. Friedel should have been aware of this. Accordingly, it is not possible for such an action to effectively (or literally) bankrupt the town. Add to this the fact that a few days later the AG's office declined to pursue the investigation and one can see the menace of this press release. 

Never one to miss an opportunity to spread chaos and divineness, Councilperson Skillicorn knowingly restated the lie "she could bankrupt the town!"

Both of these councilmembers owe the town a renunciation and an apology for this misinformation.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.