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Traffic laws


As a former city cop in Chicago and Dallas metro areas, I can state from experience that traffic enforcement in Fountain Hills is pathetically inadequate. While deputies do a fine job on the street, there simply aren’t enough squads doing traffic enforcement on a continuous basis. This may be a contract issue between the town and MCSO.

At a minimum, there should be no fewer than two cars doing primary traffic enforcement around town during daylight and evening hours. Two squads could spend two hours per shift on each of the three main arteries into town with varied amounts of time on Shea. Traffic units can provide backup for other units handling “routine” calls as needed.

I hesitate to label any call routine today, as law enforcement personnel face unpredictable dangers on every call, regardless of its apparent nature. I admire all first responders and public safety folks and wish them all the best in this dangerous age we live in; even here in Fountain Hills. Maybe especially here!

Violations of traffic laws are flagrant everywhere. Each time I drive through town, I witness cars speeding way over posted limits, ignoring stop signs, non-use or late activation of signals for turns or lane changes and all kinds of just plain idiotic driving. Zipping through store parking lots is commonplace; stupidity personified.

As Fountain Hills needs funds for road maintenance, why not pass town traffic ordinances and use potentially abundant fine monies from traffic law violations for that logical purpose? This would address two serious problems and enhance safety for residents and visitors.