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Our front yard


From the very outset, the Daybreak developers have tried to make us all believe that the opposition to Daybreak was the neighbors, the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) people. Those people whose homes bordered the land where they wanted to build their 25-building complex of 400 apartments including a 40’ tall, 600’ long dorm-like structure that would house several hundred seniors.

To set the record straight, there are only about 125 houses that surround the proposed build site at the intersection of Palisades and Shea. Living in those particular homes are maybe 200 registered Fountain Hills voters. So where do the almost 1,900 registered voters who signed the petitions to bring this issue to the citizens to vote on actually live? They obviously can’t all live in those 125 houses.

No, they live on streets like Saguaro, Fountain Hills Blvd., El Lago, Palomino, Golden Eagle, La Montana, Palisades, Avenue of the Fountain, Sun Ridge Canyon, Cholla, Yucca, Mesquite and Verde River, to name just a few.

What about the seven members on the P&Z Commission, all of whom voted against Daybreak? Are they NIMBYs also? Both Mayor Dickey and Councilman Spelich don’t live in that area either, yet they voted against Daybreak as well.

So why are all of these people opposed to Daybreak? Maybe they all consider that beautiful piece of land with its rolling hills, ravines, countless Saguaros, Ocotillo, Cholla, Palo Verde, Ironwood and Mesquite trees, and yellow Brittle bushes as their front yard; as Fountain Hills’ front yard. They, nor any of us in Fountain Hills, want to see that last remaining symbol of what Fountain Hills is all about, be turned into yet another misguided development.

Vote no on Proposition 427 and 428 when you mail in your ballot.