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It was insufferable opening up The Times to John Kavanagh’s two smear campaign ads against Ginny Dickey under the name of “Good Government Committee.” Nothing could be further from the truth!

Let’s recognize and deny the use of intentionally misleading, patriotic sounding, Orwellian PAC names exploiting public ignorance. Let’s be done with John Kavanagh’s lies based on manipulated facts, invalid assumptions and inaccurate information taken out of context and intentionally used to deceive the public.

To even suggest that Ginny Dickey, resident of Fountain Hills for 34 years, doesn’t have our children at heart is shameful and ludicrous and shows the insidious ignorance of Kavanagh and those he would exploit in his support of Cecil Yates. She raised her three boys here, as well as serving on our school board for eight years; just the tip of the iceberg with her service and commitment to our community.

I would like to suggest that if you want more responsible government here in Fountain Hills, why would you ever vote for Cecil Yates and his costly and questionable choices as a council member? These include the lagoon, his conflict of interest with the Park Place project and his involvement in the disgraceful and costly firing of our town attorney!

We need to all reject the dark politics as expressed by Kavanagh in his recent editorial, as well as these inappropriate and inaccurate ads that he ran last week. The extreme cost to our democracy of this continuing divide is hurting us at every level of our government and here it is, even in our beautiful, small town in what is supposed to be a non-partisan election.

Vote Ginny Dickey as the responsible choice for mayor!