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Ginny gets it


Do you remember the battles of years past, when Fountain Hills residents of all political stripes – whether Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian or other – all worked together to fight developers’ proposals that would have forever changed what so many of us treasure: our small town character, desert and mountain views and our open spaces?

The Save the Mountains campaign that culminated with the town’s acquisition of its mountain preserve? The preservation of the “picture postcard view” (and the Lake Overlook Trail) over the ridge above Fountain Lake? The negotiation of a development agreement for the State Trust Land north of town that reduced the developer’s density plan and preserved much open space?

Those were not partisan battles. Those were battles for the soul of Fountain Hills, that something “special” that brings a smile to your face when you reach the crest of the hill on Shea after a day in the Valley.

Ginny gets it.

Please vote for Ginny Dickey for mayor.