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Eye pollution


Cellular providers don’t enjoy the power of eminent domain. T-Mobile must persuade our governing agencies, surrounding neighbors and landowner to allow modification of the existing wireless communication concealment shroud currently disguised as a flagpole at 16239 E. Ironwood Drive, the Fountain Hills Christian Center.

This proposed monstrosity reminiscent of a toilet paper roll stuck on a chopstick is pure visual pollution. It destroys our most cherished asset – our beautiful, unsurpassed Fountain Hills scenery. It will clutter our environment daily. Not only will this shroud visually desecrate our landscape, but could possibly be blamed for reducing property values and preventing the enjoyment of our neighboring property.

This facility should be relocated to a commercial area with taller buildings or another structure where the aesthetic impact is lessened. If this shroud must be located on this site, then incorporate it into the church steeple or install four thicker than usual flagpoles.

We have chosen to live in this community, Fountain Hills, so we are chosen to be responsible stewards of this land, of this community. We should not allow a cell phone provider to visually pollute and desecrate our visual landscape, causing irreparable aesthetic harm. As citizens of this community, this Earth, we should protect it against any structures impairing the visual quality of our community, for us and following generations.

How shameful, a community awarded the rare distinction of being designated an International Dark Sky Community by the International Dark Sky Association, would even consider this proposal.

As Chief Justice Burger once wrote, “Every large billboard adversely affects the environment, for each destroys a unique perspective on the landscape and adds to the visual pollution of the city. Pollution is not limited to the air we breathe and the water we drink; it can equally offend the eye and the ear.”