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Another view


Chris Brant seems to have already convicted Hunter Biden, and President Biden (who is not under investigation for any crime), of selling favors to the Chinese and Russians. Quite a leap!

Brant doesn’t mention Ivanka Trump receiving a highly unusual 30+ licenses from the Chinese, or Jared Kushner’s $500 million loan from Qatar, or Kushner’s reception of a $1.5 billion investment from Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, who ignored his advisers and invested in a company for which Kushner had absolutely no experience or qualifications.

These don’t bother Mr. Brant.

Brant wrote that President Biden “accused Republicans of being Nazis.” While President Biden did say that “MAGA Republicans,” like those who foment insurrections and threaten violence, are “semi-fascists,” he was careful to differentiate between traditional Republicans and MAGA Republicans, who are now threatening to “riot in the streets” if Donald Trump is indicted for any crime – even ones for which he appears to be guilty (like illegally stealing and concealing highly classified government documents).

Brant also wrote that, “Biden’s socialism needs to be curtailed and we should start by ridding ourselves of Senator Kelly.” What “socialist” policies have been imposed on us? Is he referring to the bills that helped us to recover from the deep COVID recession, or the largest investment in infrastructure in more than 50 years, or sensible gun safety laws, or the Inflation Reduction Act that invests in renewable energy (creating millions of new jobs), benefits seniors, and helps fight Arizona’s coming water crisis? Then I beg to differ!

Senior citizens are thrilled that Senator Kelly helped negotiate the IRA prescription drug plan thatallows Medicare to negotiate drug prices, caps annual out-of-pocket costs at $2,000, caps the cost of insulin, and prevents drug companies from price gouging. If this is “socialism,” then seniors approve.