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Short stuff


I just socked away $2,000 to be used for a rainy day.

It is pouring today. Pouring. You probably can’t see it at your house, but between broken pipes inside the wall and a leaky pool pump, we have pretty much dipped into that two grand and then some.

But what the heck. It’s 2020. Would you expect anything else? I read somewhere that it would be good to reinstall 2020. I could not agree more, but I’m guessing you couldn’t agree more either.

What a year. I still feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone, even though we have been in the Twilight Zone for four-plus months. I’m used to working from home (kind of); my big outings have been to the grocery store, although I did venture out one day to the hardware store because I needed bug spray.

We are overrun in our backyard by either chinch bugs, milkweed bugs, boxelder bugs or some other kind of bug we can’t identify. Hubby looked at more than 1,200 pictures of red and black bugs. The only thing we know is that those bugs aren’t ladybugs.

The trip to the hardware store was mostly an adventure. Couldn’t find the “Bug Be Gone” recommended to get rid of chinch bugs, but I don’t think they’re chinch bugs anyway. If you look those up, they are gray. These suckers are definitely red and black.

That’s pretty much it on this side of town. As they say, “When it rains, it pours.” Or “It’s always something.” Or “It is what it is.”

With that, I’ll quote Robert Frost, “In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”
