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Villawatkins: Enough is enough


We are not renegades and outlaws in Fountain Hills.

To those who collected signatures, yes, it is your right to sue as you deem it necessary. But do not try to block our town’s lawyer from doing his job. Let due process move forward.

To Councilmen Skillicorn, Freidel and Councilwoman Toth, you should not join that bandwagon of blocking the town attorney from doing his job. Side with the law, please.

We should not still be talking about past sanctions if Town Councilman Skillicorn did not violate his code of ethics. That was done, weeks ago. But still, Councilman Skillicorn published a letter April 2 and said the “ethics code is being weaponized.” To Mr. Skillicorn: Causation is your own doing. Its correlation to weaponization is your own doing. Blame yourself and no one else. Own it. Stop this continued divisiveness, please. Move on. Enough is enough.

The ROT PAC in town have banded together against their own, Councilwoman Brenda Kalivianakis. All because she followed her oath of ethics and stood by the rule of law? Did you expect her to stand against due process each time the ROT PAC did not get their way? Enough.

I am also disheartened that some in town love to display the optics of guns on their T-shirts. Yes, you can wear it anywhere and anytime. Yet, T-shirts emblazoned with a long rifle was not the preferred shirt whilst attending a dinner with Councilman Skillicorn and their favorite state politicians but it was worn during town council meetings when the agenda was to sanction Councilman Skillicorn? The disjunctive messaging was obvious. One venue with a certain group of politicians was attended with proper decorum and respect whilst the other one was not. Enough.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

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