In June of last year, I submitted a letter saying that the ethics complaints filed against Councilman Skillicorn were prompted by Democrats in their politics of personal destruction. The latest flood of letters asserting old and new ethics violations prove my point beyond any doubt. Maybe Democrats are in panic mode about the upcoming elections and have to get down and dirty.
Rather than step into the middle of the mudslinging, the Town Council should prevent the censorship of speech of our elected officials by eliminating all the “ethics rules.” These are obviously being used to silence officials with strongly held beliefs which are not acceptable to opposing political factions. It is unacceptable to me, and many other voters, to have our elected officials subject to judgment of their speech or conduct by unelected bureaucrats.
The same can be said for the “Civility Checklist” of the Times Independent, because these letters criticizing Councilman Skillicorn can be said to violate many of the provisions of the checklist.
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