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James: Politicians are supposed to be held to a higher standard


During the Feb. 6 Town Council meeting many of our town’s citizens spoke about the unethical behavior of Councilperson Skillicorn on social media, where he regularly insults and demeans people. Some of those citizens asked that the council consider sanctioning Skillicorn for violating the council’s Ethics code.

Instead, Gerry Friedel defended him and tried to embarrass one of the citizens by holding up a meme that she posted on her Facebook account. Friedel would seemingly like to have us believe that he doesn’t understand that elected officials are held to a higher standard and that they pledge to comply with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Friedel posted demeaning memes on social media until he became an elected official, proving that he does understand the different standard for politicians.  

A full year has passed since Gerry was joined by the ROT candidates and the council meetings are devolving. One of the speakers at the Feb. 6 meeting said that Skillicorn described himself as an agent of chaos and he is certainly fulfilling that role. 

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.