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Groom: Join me in supporting Henry Male


I recently saw a list of Fountain Hills Town Council candidates posted by Allen Skillicorn on social media.

Allen mentions that Henry Male, candidate for Town Council, is a Democrat. Allow me to set the record straight, Henry isn’t. I know for a fact that he is a registered Independent.

I’ve known Henry for over 20 years now. He is getting involved and running for Town Council as a moderating independent voice for the people. No special interest groups, no axe to grind. He has deep roots in this town and many may know his wife, Donna, was a school teacher in town for many years.

I like him so much that even though I am a registered Republican, I am honored to be his finance manager. I totally support Henry in his candidacy. No Agenda, just good council. 

Please join me in supporting an independent voice for Town Council: Henry Male.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.