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Fountain Hills Women’s Club award scholarships
Photo courtesy of the Fountain Hills Women’s Club
The Fountain Hills Women’s Club scholarship committee awarded scholarships to several well-deserving students including nine women and two graduating high school students. The awardees have career goals that include becoming a podiatrist, physical therapist, principal, athletic director, art therapist, attorney, medical lab technician, medical coder and art professor. Pictured from left, Holly Delano, Lisette Villa, Tracy Perry, scholarship committee member Cindy Brubaker, scholarship committee member Phyllis Muhs, scholarship Chairperson Leslie Hermansen, senior recipient Ayden Nguyen, Kendra Placke, Amaris Aloise and Fountain Hills Women’s Club President Barbara Higgins. Awardees not pictured include senior recipient Maggie Lucas, Nikki Jacobus, Marie McCarty, Cayla Douglass and Angela Ridings.