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The Biden administration Afghanistan policy has finally awakened a few Democrats to the fact that our President’s first duty, to protect the nation, is being completely neglected.

Gaining complete control of all aspects of Americans’ lives is the only goal. Republicans are yet hampered in their response to this threat because of their deeply held belief in individual independence. Republicans do not march as sheep, all repeating the phrase of the day.

A prime example of this is the some 40 Republican candidates vying for the Governor of California’s job. Instead of coming together and finding the best candidate to defeat Newsom, they individually step up. Republicans are not coming together to hit back daily at Democrat overreach. There should be constant calls for resignations, charges of unconstitutional behavior, investigations of individuals, etc.

A recent letter in this paper is typical of Democrat behavior. The call against a local expressing his free speech rights via a decorated truck because it may offend returning snowbirds. Agreed the expression is crass, but it is the epitome of freedom of speech not allowed in much of the world. Elected officials at all levels are open to critics.