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Best interest


First off, I would like to congratulate Charles Vascellaro on his recent opinion titled “Democrats.” Right on, Don! I hope those that read the article were enlightened.

Hospital: I would fully support a hospital in Fountain Hills, but not in a residential area.

Local tax increase: I voted for Ginny Dickey in hopes of seeing a positive financial change in Fountain Hills. But it’s the same old thing; the inability to manage finances, therefore a recommended solution to raise our taxes. Would this bring businesses to Fountain Hill? I don’t think so. Would this encourage our locals to shop out of town? I think so.

I would like to see the Town Council, which should be representing our best interests, spending its efforts on finding solutions that would make it attractive for new businesses to open in our town, and to spend the same energy to get our citizens to shop locally.

Lord knows we have enough empty office properties. There is not a section in Fountain Hills that doesn’t have empty office space. Spending efforts to get these vacancies filled could increase local revenues and, most likely, eliminate the need to increase our taxes. Increasing taxes is the simple way out.

Town Council, please go down “the road less traveled” and find a solution that will fill most of our vacant office space. A possible revenue source for our city could be to patrol and ticket speeders, especially on Saguaro Blvd., and the 25 mile per hour construction zone along Fountain Hills Blvd. Way too often I have had drivers very close behind me. In fact, one driver honked their horn. I was going the speed limit.

I would hope that our Chamber of Commerce has the urgency to do the same. Isn’t their reputation based on it?