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Watts: In response to Beth Culp’s letter


Beth, I ask that you take the time to get to know me before characterizing me as you did in your letter of May 15. Just for the record, we have never met, never spoken and you have never directly or indirectly asked me my position on any subject.

You’ve also misspelled my name. It is Roderick N. Watts, Jr – aka Rick Watts – not Rodney Watts. I’ll assume the error was unintentional.

I am more than happy to have a conversation or to meet with you in order for you to ask questions, to which I will provide direct and succinct answers. Clearly, we may not always agree on a variety of topics, but I guarantee you that I will listen objectively in order to understand before taking a position or making a decision. I would really appreciate the opportunity to have a civil, adult conversation and I will do my best to be straightforward and answer honestly.

Editor’s note: Rick Watts is a candidate for town council. While candidates are not eligible to submit letters during the election season, they are allowed to directly respond to statements made about them in other letters. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.