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Derksen: Clayton Corey will serve the interests of Fountain Hills


I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Clayton Corey’s candidacy for the Town Council of Fountain Hills. As a longtime resident and business owner, I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact that dedicated leadership can have on our community. Clayton exemplifies this dedication.

It is Clayton's unwavering commitment to Fountain Hills, demonstrated through his extensive community service, that sets him apart as a candidate. His proven leadership skills ensure that he is more than capable of steering our community towards a prosperous future. What distinguishes Clayton even further is his genuine eagerness to listen to and incorporate the voices of all residents. This inclusive approach is exactly what we need to foster a truly vibrant and engaged community.

I trust Clayton Corey to lead us with integrity and a clear vision. His love for our town and his absence of a personal agenda refreshes us all — it is evident that his only desire is to serve the interests of Fountain Hills.

As we look to the future, let us choose a leader who has already shown us his capability and commitment. Clayton Corey is that leader. Join me in supporting him for a better tomorrow.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.