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Poinsettia tree


It’s time to thank everyone involved with the success we enjoyed in the 2017 poinsettia tree program.

First Fountain Hills’ Wonder Woman, Jackie Miles, accompanied by Jean Linzer and Brice Moorman of the Noon Kiwanis. They were joined by ladies and friends of Kiwanis. Mike O’Conner of FHCCA did a terrific job with the internet sales while Corey Povar and Kevin Snipe set up the tree and watered the plants. Dori Wittrig and Clayton Corey of Sunset Kiwanis also pitched in. I believe Clayton might play a principal role in the 2018 poinsettia tree. Jerry Butler did a masterful job with the money. We had 102 sales, which was over budget. Home Depot supplied the poinsettia plants.

Most of all you, the residents of Fountain Hills, were the stars this year. I have a special star for my wife, Carol, who wrote every card; I’m lucky that way.

Again, thank you, Fountain Hills, the most beautiful town in Arizona. I wish you all a healthy and prosperous New Year.