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Aleo: Are you suffering from ‘news poisoning’?


Have you been depressed lately, sick to your stomach, feeling extra hot under the collar? Experiencing dizziness, cramps, trouble sleeping, headaches, high blood pressure, a sharp pain in the neck or buttocks?  You might have “news poisoning.”

Swallowing too much news and tuning in to the same news source ingesting only being exposed to one view of the news? Overdosing on problems without solutions or lacking accurate facts? Are your ankles swelling from sitting too long watching bogus political campaign ads? Have your eyes started twitching? Does everything smell funny? OMG, you might have news poisoning!

I am not a doctor, but here are things you can do right now to drive out news poisoning without a vaccine.  Don’t wait for a pill from Big Pharma that will suggest you take for the rest of your life, or longer.

1. Turn off your TV and your radio.

2. Listen to your favorite music without commercials, if possible.

3. Call a friend or relative just to see how they are doing. I said “call,” not text. Don’t talk about politics.  

4. Go for a quiet walk by yourself, no hurry, no goals, no special time, just go.  

5. Hand-write a thank you note and make sure it is mailed today.

6. Eat and drive slower.

7.  Make someone's day with a good deed or kind word.

8. Go to bed earlier. 

9. Look for the good in people.

10. Come up with three more of your own ways to deal with news poisoning.

You will be relieved of the side effects of news poisoning or your double money back. 

humor, news