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Keyword: letters

Fountain Hills High School earns ‘A’ letter grade

The Arizona Board of Education unanimously voted to change Fountain Hills High School’s 2022-23 letter grade of “B” to “A.” In November, Fountain Hills Unified School …

Thomas: Concerning the school planetarium and …

In a letter on Sept. 27, Mary Ann Bosnos stated “the board recently voted to spend $200,000 (privately funded) to put a small planetarium in the school library. Think of how much good that …

Moral panic

As an educator and a taxpayer, I am thoroughly disgusted with the witch hunt that is being portrayed by the FHUSD. You are going to tell me that a 25-year veteran teacher decided to one day test …

Lock and Load

This president is consistent – repeatedly making bad calls, one after another! He’s so ensconced in his dim-witted politics, he doesn’t know right from wrong, can’t make strategic or tactical …

We the People

the Fountain Hills School Board. You may have controlled the show you put on in the Learning Center on Friday, but if this case persists, may I remind you that the law of the land is “The accused …


Ann and I sat with rapt attention as we watched the wonderful Ken Burns’ documentary: The Roosevelts, An Intimate History. Teddy and his love of action whether it be charging up San Juan Hill …

Ignorance is bliss

I do not apologize for exposing the heinous crimes against animals. My letters reflect the way degenerate, immoral, pathetic people choose to treat animals. Bestiality is nothing to take lightly. …

Moral stupor

Many kudos to the three courageous, brave souls who wrote last week against the wretchedly bad bestiality subject, which had appeared the week before. They are Diane Belanger, Reece Stigler and …

Water bills

Problems with Chaparral City Water Company predate its recent acquisition by EPCOR. Several years ago we received a water bill that was five times the usual amount. I phoned CCWC and was told that …

Armed Forces

I think the President made an error in reducing the Armed Forces by 40 percent in an effort to save money to a debt he contributed rather handily. Wrong timing. We need the Armed Forces now …

Phyliss Kern

Many thanks for the contributors, supporters and families who enjoyed the 4th of July fireworks. We now have $5000 in reserve for next year – which I hope will be bigger and better! Due to the …

Act of kindness

Last Thursday, Sept. 18, I had a medical issue that caused me to pass out in the Middle School driveway. I felt dizzy while leaving the school on my motorized bike, pulled over and proceeded to …