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Troubling things bubbling to the surface. First, the continued efforts by town government to stifle and control small business, and then a very sad loss of education choice.

As if the pandemic were not enough, during which Mayor Dickey shuttered many small businesses, now she and her supporters on the council heaped more problems on them with their recent vote to limit signs. I shake my head and just have to ask, why must citizens constantly be forced to resort to protesting and referendums to make our concerns known to these elected officials?

Apparently, if the Town can’t control sign content, their position is to limit temporary signs. Just get over it folks! It was nice to see the Chamber weigh in on the sign issue after the vote had already been taken, saying that 95 percent of their members rely on those signs.

Another sad day in town was the announcement of Fountain Hills Charter School closing. The loss of a charter school should never happen in this state, which has one of the most robust programs in the country. The timing is especially perplexing, when Fountain Hills parents recently flooded a public school board meeting to demand an end to the mask mandates.

Across the country, citizens are demanding anti-American Critical Race Theory be thrown out and more choices to educating children made available. Government-controlled schools should not be the only option for parents, who should never be told to sit down and be quiet. I would hope some who care about this would do what they can to keep the Fountain Hills Charter School operational. Choices in educating our children have never been more critical.

Editor's Note: 

The pandemic restrictions that were in place in the Town of Fountain Hills were implemented to comply with the executive orders of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, as well as the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (face covering).