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Toys for Tots


Let’s get the word out. This is a call for assistance by the Fountain Hills Marine Corps Detachment #1439 to our beautiful and generous community. Living in Fountain Hills we have much to be thankful for, but there are still many youngsters around who don’t have it so good. This year the Detachment is making an early start on collecting Toys for Tots.

You may have already seen the familiar collection boxes out and about. The Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce this year has given the Detachment permission to place a dozen of the collection boxes strategically along the route of the Fountain Hills Thanksgiving Parade. For the new arrivals, our town holds the largest Thanksgiving Parade west of the Mississippi. There will be bands, dancers, horse-drawn vehicles, antique cars and much more. This year when you, your relatives, your friends and neighbors come down to view the floats at 9 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning, please think of those less fortunate kids and bring a toy to add to the collection of Toys for Tots.

The assistance I spoke about earlier in this letter is for you to help us get the word out, particularly with your friends and neighbors. The Detachment will also have a float this year and there will be Young Marines, along with the float, who will be very happy to receive your new unwrapped toys.

So, when you mention the Thanksgiving Parade to your neighbors and friends this year please add that, “The Fountain Hills Marine Corps League Detachment will be collecting Toys for Tots,” and for that we can all be thankful.