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Strong background


I am dismayed by the nasty partisan, anti-Couture letters I have been reading.

The Town Council is a non-partisan governing body, so I do not understand why there has been so much party politics regarding the candidates. Most of the issues facing the town have no connection to any party ideology, so why do those opposed to Ms. Couture constantly harp on this?

I support Cindy Couture for Town Council. She has a strong background in leadership and understands how to work with others. She is a long-time resident of the town and has volunteered for many town activities such as Dark Sky, Make-A-Difference Day, Kiwanis, VFW and more.

Cindy taught for over four decades. A good teacher must be able to really hear and understand what each student is saying and meet those needs so they succeed. This is an attribute Cindy will bring to the Town Council; the willingness and ability to listen to all points of view and decide on actions based on facts.