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Robo calls


If you have had the misfortune of receiving robo calls from Cecil Yates or the Kavanaghs, I hope you have been following the news closely enough to realize that some falsehoods are being spread.

Ginny has said repeatedly that she will have a citizens’ commission and would work with those suggestions. Her opposition has been saying that she said she would raise taxes (ignoring the fact that no mayor can do that unilaterally). She was actually responding to feedback from people at one of her meetings who were giving suggestions, and she said everything would be on the table.

Her opponent has already shown a flagrant disregard for voters by hanging onto his council seat for an extra 30 days, denying citizens the right to vote on a replacement, so someone will be appointed to finish the last two years of his term! And now his side is misrepresenting citizen input from Ginny’s talk sessions.

Yates already has his plan of over-building, no matter what the citizens want. No one I know of is happy with the overwhelming, four-story Park Place. And even though that contractor sued the town, Yates wrote a glowing testimonial for him on the contractor’s website.

We can’t afford Yates. He voted to waste almost $40,000 on the foolish lagoon study, he embarrassed himself with his rant against the town attorney (costing an extra $160,000 last year and more money this year), and the contractor’s lawyer said if they went to court over the unpaid fees for Park Place that Yates, Kavanagh and Brown would say development fees weren’t owed. He has also been sued several times for his unpaid bills.

Vote for Ginny; someone you can trust to listen to you, not someone with a vested interest in building as much as possible.