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In response to the comments by Sherri James, let’s be clear about a couple of things. Every political group is not invited back to the fairs.

You failed to mention that Democrats stopped in front of the Republican Club booth and stuck their middle finger in the face of female workers. Is this how we treat women these days? What about the numerous others walking by shouting “yellow man sucks” and other derogatory comments? Not the Democrats, you say? There is plenty on both sides.

We have a sitting councilman who chose to use a council meeting as a forum to pontificate about George Soros, who also was not a Republican. I have also noticed that the prayer before the council meetings has been eliminated, again not by a Republican, and why? And you mentioned BLM. They were invited to our town not by a Republican during the riots and looting going on across the country. Ask Scottsdale how much they enjoyed the $20 million worth of damage. Why would the citizens want that here?

We do agree elections have consequences, be careful with who you vote for!