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Parking concern


I am trying to understand the rationale of why the Town would eliminate two handicap parking spots to put in an electric car charging station. My thought is that if they needed that specific spot for the electrical, then transfer the two handicap spots to another parking area before the charger goes in.

We were down in the park for Memorial Day and parking was at a premium. We had to park approximately two blocks away to get a van handicap spot, and we arrived 45 minutes early. No one was parked in the charging unit spots the entire time. Fountain Park has many events where all the handicap spots are filled.

I am not here to judge what they chose to do. I sent an email over a week ago and I did receive an email that they are thinking about adding two more handicap parking places around the Veterans’ Memorial, and also that a letter would be coming to me from the Community Service Director, which I am still waiting for.

I personally would wish that they would have added the new handicap spots before they eliminated the other handicap spots. I have checked and yes, they are complying having the four spots in that area. But the action they took sits wrong with me, that they were not aware of the need for the disabled. They felt it was okay to do it in this manner.