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For three years I have wondered why President Trump’s support has remained constant in spite of the thousands of verified lies, mocking of those less fortunate and constant attacks on our free press and other non-presidential behavior. I finally hope that his totally incompetent response to the coronavirus outbreak will wake people up to the danger of having a failed (six bankruptcies) businessman and reality show host as our leader.

According to reports, we have done maybe 1,000 tests, while South Korea has done 75,000 to 100,000. The lack of preparedness is beyond understanding. While visiting the CDC for an obvious photo op (wearing his red hat) he stated he preferred passengers to stay on the cruise ship so the number of infections in the U.S. doesn’t go up. This was directly against the advice of experts. Clearly, Trump is much more interested in looking good and getting reelected then he is in protecting the American people and telling the truth.

Most outrageously, he stated most people would suffer few ill effects and could continue working. His spokespeople continue to say the virus is contained. Will it take a family member to get seriously ill or die for people to wake up and jump off the Trump train or is he beyond paying a price for his ineptitude and narcissism?