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Noisy library


No, Gary H., it’s not just you. I had a similar experience at our town library. It was entertaining...for somebody.

Last September I decided the library would be a good place to do some research. I arrived and was impressed by the cleanliness and organization of the library, and the availability of computers for library users. I sat down and began my work but, within seconds, I became acutely aware of a racket coming from a certain quarter of the library with a sign over the area declaring it a “Teen Center” or some such thing.

There was a group of kids there drinking Cokes and eating snacks and actually playing a dice game. Yes, rolling dice on the hard library table and quite involved, talking and laughing at full volume. Within seconds I was also treated to a solo performance of a kid who apparently had nothing better to do, headphones on and plugged into a library computer, in what I thought was a research area (foolish me), music cranked up loud through his headphones for all to enjoy...all while singing in a very loud voice, eyes closed, swaying his head and grooving and loudly playing the drums on the table, also for the enjoyment of all.

My quick assessment was, “This library is no good. I have no need to come back here.” I got up, found and checked out a couple videos and got out of there.

To the town librarian: This great library has so much potential. Let’s have it function as a real library, as was originally intended. Noisy disrupters with nothing better to do should not be coddled or even allowed in. If this foolishness has been legislated in place, please tell us citizens so we can change that. Thanks.