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Hospital plan


While I applaud the potential for a hospital in Fountain Hills, with its positive impact on healthcare and the increase in spinoff revenue and employment for the Town, there are a number of issues that residents and planners should be aware of.

I was responsible for the planning and construction of the University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison, Wis. The hospital was located adjacent to an established residential neighborhood. Many issues were raised and problems encountered by the neighborhood, including noise from emergency vehicles and medical helicopters, increased traffic, lighted signage, road reconstruction, need for temporary lodging for visitors, need for increased security personnel, encroachment into neighborhood for building and parking expansion over time, increased strain on utilities, etc. You may not think that a helicopter landing pad will be necessary, but I can foresee that transportation of a critical patient to a level 1 trauma center will likely happen, thus necessitating a landing pad and the required FAA technology surrounding it.

Based on my experience with construction of a hospital adjacent to multiple residences, consideration should be given by the planners and residents to re-looking for a site that is not adjacent to an established residential neighborhood.